Writetober 2024, Horror Haven: Day 18: Spectral Jester

From lifeless streets where the weary tread,
A couple fled to a place where mystery seemed to lie in each street ahead.

Oh, in their home dwelling, with whispers and groans,
A creature, almost elfish, held mysteries woven in its weathered bones.

Through moonlit hallways, it danced and it spun,
A century claimed its spirit, yet its energy seemed… eternally young?

The floors would moan with haunting laughs, the curtains would sway,
Each room a stage for ghastly games, where Creature held its nightly play.

Clarice would bemoan, “Oh, not tonight,” as doors creaked open wide,
While Kur felt the fear deep inside.

“Fear not, dear friends,” the creature hissed, “I bring no death or harm - just pure, scary cheer.
Maybe a trick or two, or even three, to feed upon your fear!”

With jests as cold as winter's biting breath, and stories that cut like and told of knives,
He’d weave a tale of dread and woe.. hardly a time for laughter to thrive.

Yet, as the nights grew darker still, and its whispers enveloped the halls,
Clarice and Kur felt a strange excitement in Creatures’ chilling calls.

And so in terror they remained, when excitement turned to dread,
Clarice, Kur, and phantom Creature, a nightly terror whom they could never shed.

written by Zoe
